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JIRA integration app - Knowledgebase / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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JIRA integration app

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The updated JIRA integration app enables agents to link Deskpro tickets with issues in Atlassian JIRA.


What the JIRA app does

With the app installed, agents can do these things from within Deskpro:

  • create a linked JIRA issue based on a ticket
  • link a ticket to one or more existing issues
  • view linked issues from a collapsible JIRA pane at the right of each ticket
  • add comments to linked JIRA issues

For more details, see Using the updated JIRA integration as an agent.

JIRA users can see which Deskpro tickets are linked to a JIRA issue.

With some additional configuration in JIRA, admins can:

  • create Ticket Update triggers which respond to changes to linked tickets within JIRA
  • create trigger criteria based on JIRA issues/comments
  • use an automation action to add JIRA comments in triggers/SLAs/escalations



Installing the new JIRA app

Already have the old version of the JIRA app installed? See this article.


Full installation instructions for the JIRA app are in the Admin Guide.

You need to do some extra configuration to be able to create Deskpro triggers which respond to events in JIRA.



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