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Field Validation and Options

in Ticket Fields
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Published: Sep 21, 2021|Last updated: May 13, 2024

Field Validation

Required values

You can select whether a field requires a value for all field types.

There are two types of validation available on all fields:

  • User - When a User creates a ticket they will be required to submit a value.

  • Agent - When an Agent creates a ticket they will be required to submit a value.

For Agent validation you can also choose to Enable Agent validation when the ticket is being resolved which means validation will only be enforced when agents attempt to resolve tickets.


Fields will appear with an asterisk (*) next to them on the User form if they are required.

Regular expressions

For the text field types (single-line text and multiline text) there is the option to use regular expressions to limit what Users can enter in the field.

Select the Match regular expression option and enter your required pattern:


Field Options

Some field options are available for all fields and some for specific field types:

Universal Field Options

  • Description - Text entered here will show under the field title on your form. This allows you to build exposition and guidence into your forms for Users and Agents.

  • Reference Alias - When referencing fields in reports and via the API by default you will need to use their ID number. If you provide an alias though you can use this instead of the ID.

  • User Validation - Specify whether this field is a required field for a User.

  • Agent Validation - Specify whether this field is a required field for an Agent.

Field Specific Options

Single-line text

  • Default Value - You can provide a default string for the field.

  • Make Links Clickable - Specify whether links should be active or displayed as text.


  • Valid Range - Specify an numberical range that the field will accept.

Multi-line Text

  • Default Value - You can provide a default string for the field.

  • Make Links Clickable - Specify whether links should be active or displayed as text.

Select field

  • Display Style - Choose from Select box, Multiple-select box, Radio buttons and checkboxes (you can read more about these in our Field Types Guide.

  • Options - Specify the options that should be available to select in your select field.

  • Default Value - Specify one of the options you have defined as the default for the field.

Toggle (on/off)

  • Enabled Display Label - The label to be displayed next to the field when it is toggled on.

  • Disabled Display Label - The label to be displayed next to the field when it is toggled off.


  • Default Value - Set a default date (either a specific date or use the time the User or Agent view the field).

  • Valid Weekdays - Specify which weekdays the field can accept.

  • Calendar - Choose whether to use the Gregorian Calendar or the Arabic (Hijri) calendar.

  • Valid Dates - Specify the date ranges that the field can accept.

Date and Time

  • Default Value - Set a default date (either a specific date or use the time the User or Agent view the field).

  • Valid Weekdays - Specify which weekdays the field can accept.

  • Calendar - Choose whether to use the Gregorian Calendar or the Arabic (Hijri) calendar.

  • Valid Dates - Specify the date ranges that the field can accept.


  • Cookie Variable - Aadd a cookie variable to populate the field.


  • Enable Links to Files or Network Shares - Allow links to specific file locations.


  • Currency - Specify the type of currency the field will be displayed in.


  • Maximum Files - Specify if the field will accept single files or multiple uploads.

  • Maximum User Upload Size - Maximum file size Users can add.

  • User Validation - Specify the file types Users can add.

  • Maximum Agent Upload Size - Maximum file size Agents can add.

  • User Validation - Specify the file types Agents can add.

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