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New Feature: Round Robins - Νέα / Product - Deskpro Support

Αυγ 11 2014

New Feature: Round Robins

Λίστα συντακτών

When you're managing a busy helpdesk, sharing out the workload evenly can be vital. 

We've added support for 'round robin' assignment to DeskPRO's powerful automation system. Here's how it works: you define a queue of agents, and as tickets come in, each one is assigned to the next agent in the queue, until the end is reached and the round robin begins again with the first agent.

Because you're assigning to individual agents, it's always clear who's responsible for each ticket; and because it's automatic, there's no time spent deciding who'll handle which issue.


Setting up a round robin is fast and easy because you can bulk add agents.


You assign tickets to round robins using actions within the existing DeskPRO system of triggers, escalations and SLAs. 

If you only want to assign some tickets to the round robin, or you want to have multiple different queues, it's all configurable using straightforward but incredibly flexible business logic.

You'll find this new feature under Tickets > Round Robin in the latest version of DeskPRO.

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