We want to make sure that you can get the best out of DeskPRO, so we've improved the way we publish our manuals and other guides.
From now on, your new destination for DeskPRO documentation is manuals.deskpro.com.
You'll find greatly improved online versions of all the manuals. They're now fully searchable, and you'll find it easier to link to specific sections or bookmark them for future reference.
(And if you prefer PDFs, don't worry - you'll find PDF versions of the manuals there too).
Of course, we'll still be updating our Knowledgebase with useful articles that fall outside the scope of the manuals, like FAQs, troubleshooting help, and configuration examples.
Where did the Install Manual, Importer Manual and Update Manual go?
We've moved the content of those manuals into the Admin manual.
Where did the PDFs go?
We used to host the old PDF manuals on the Download section of our portal. Now they'll be available on manuals.deskpro.com.
I've found a mistake, formatting error or something missing!
Email support@deskpro.com to report any problems.
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