We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #438.
The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:
- IMPROVEMENT agent notes now labelled with NOTE
- IMPROVEMENT Added "not set" option to ticket search form for choice fields
- CHANGE Portal: Add ticket ID/ref to tickets that appear in search results
- FIX Some searches on some types of people/org fields
- FIX unsetting multilevel choices
- FIX hide options on ticket search when "is not set" is selected
- FIX Entities in titles of custom choice fields would not render properly in select2 fields
- FIX Admin: Creating a sub-department did not move tickets from the (now invalid) parent department into the new one
- FIX Agent: Layouts with fields showing even with no value would make the field show in edit mode as well, even if the option to allow editing was not enabled
- FIX Agent: Limiting 'assign' permission did not always apply to assignment in replybox
- FIX tasks due date translations
- FIX password policy on reset password
- FIX API: Update person via API didnt let you set first_name/last_name separately
- FIX trailing whitespace after password in emails
- FIX phone numbers API POST
- FIX agent fields layout
- FIX yellow flag
- FIX deleting kb labels from admin
- FIX password policy translations
- FIX allow fullscreen attrs for vimeo iframe in editor
- FIX display custom choices value in macro
- FIX radio inputs collisions on multiple tabs
- FIX doubled delimiters of custom field regex
- FIX prevent password policy validation when DeskPRO usersource is disabled
- FIX higher priority for id and ref field on ES
- FIX Admin: (Triggers) Using "Set subject" trigger with adv formatting would cause the subject to be encoded if any special characters were present
- FIX Admin: (Trigger editor) Missing operators for custom fields, such as 'contains'
- FIX invalid phone numbers API routes
- FIX php error on non-established chat session
- FIX Custom field values being rendered raw in ticketlog
- FIX Custom textarea field content being rendered as html
- FIX org route on tickets list (table view)
- FIX org route on tickets list
- FIX elasticsearch index status
- FIX lower API perms requirements for common custom fields
- FIX typo in phone numbers API routes
- FIX custom person fields was not saved for new person on new ticket
- FIX Admin: Custom field rule type 'all' did not apply properly
- FIX API: Setting empty name/firstname/lastname did not save
This update has been rolled out to Cloud helpdesks.
If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your installation from the admin interface.
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