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What resources are available for teaching agents to use Deskpro? - Γνωσιακή βάση / Sales, Billing & Consultancy / Additional Services FAQs - Deskpro Support

What resources are available for teaching agents to use Deskpro?

Λίστα συντακτών

There is a great selection of resources to help train agents on using Deskpro.

  • We have a large collection of videos available on our website: Deskpro Tour

  • All agents are emailed a copy of our Agent Quickstart Guide - a short PDF to cover Deskpro’s basics

  • We have a full comprehensive Agent Guide detailing all features available

Alongside these resources we also provide Agent training sessions, training sessions include a walkthrough and Q&A with a member of the Deskpro Team. If you are interested in training services please contact sales@deskpro.com for details.

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