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I'm having trouble with poor performance or a slow agent interface on some computers - Wissensdatenbank / Using Deskpro / Agent - Deskpro Support

I'm having trouble with poor performance or a slow agent interface on some computers


If you have found that the agent interface is operating very slow and have ruled out a problem with the Deskpro server (that is, it is only slow on some computers but not others), here are some steps to take:

1. Try using a different browser. For example, if you see this behavior in Google Chrome, try loading your helpdesk in Firefox.

2. Check that the computer is not using an energy-saving setting that slows down the processor. Some laptops are known to ship with this enabled even when plugged into mains power. As a rule of thumb, if the processor runs at less than 1GHz, there is a risk of poor interface performance.

3. Old and low-end devices may not be able to run Deskpro's advanced interface well. This includes budget laptops, "thin client" machines, and lower-end Microsoft Surface devices.

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