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I'm having trouble with an error: Permission denied (errno = 13) connecting to mail server on SELinux - Wissensdatenbank / Using Deskpro - Deskpro Support

I'm having trouble with an error: Permission denied (errno = 13) connecting to mail server on SELinux



My Deskpro On-Premise installation can't connect to my POP3 server, although the account details are definitely correct and the server log seems like the connection is being accepted.

When I test the account I get the error:

There was an error while trying to connect to the server. Make sure the host and port you specified is correct.
RuntimeException::0 cannot connect to host; error = Permission denied (errno = 13)



The permission denied error can sometimes mean SELinux is preventing networking connections.

Run this command as root to enable networking from PHP:

setsebool httpd_can_network_connect=1
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