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Admin & Agent Training - Wissensdatenbank / Sales, Billing & Consultancy / Consultancy & Services - Deskpro Support

Admin & Agent Training


If you need to quickly get your agents up-to-speed on how to use Deskpro, or if you need in-depth training on how to maximise the power of your helpdesk - we provide training at an additional cost.

We offer a range of impactful training services; from intensive webinars to multi-day onsite training.

All our training is customized to meet your specific objectives, so we only spend time discussing the features that matter to you. Our training includes:

One-hour Webinar - $250

A product familiarisation webinar, designed to ensure your agents are ready to hit the ground running with Deskpro.

Three-hour Webinar - $600

A detailed and in-depth training webinar on agent and admin interfaces, including time to discuss any questions you might have.

On-site Training

We take you through everything you want to know, face-to-face. Most popular amongst organizations with larger teams.


To find out more about the training we offer and associated costs, get in touch.

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