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Ability to find DeskPro tickets with linked JIRA issues - Community / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Ability to find DeskPro tickets with linked JIRA issues Collecting Feedback

With the JIRA integration I can link tickets, but there is no way to see in the list pane which tickets have JIRA links and which not. Also there is no way to create a filter to show all tickets with JIRA links.

Please enhance the integration functionality in that regard.

Kommentar (1)

Koen Glotzbach
I support this request. As a workaround: 1. Navigate to admin > ticket structure > ticket fields you should see a field called ‘Linked Jira issues’. Take the ID number for that field. 2. Go to List and enable the Advanced query editor, and add the following: and ticket.data.FieldID = "JiraIssueKey" (JiraIssueKey is for example AJAX-642. Issue key must be placed in quotes)

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