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Why can't I see flags? - Knowledgebase / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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Why can't I see flags?

Rhestr o awduron


When other agents on my helpdesk set flags, I can't see them. Is there something wrong?


Flags are designed for each agent's personal use: agents can't see each other's flags. If you would like a shared way to mark tickets for attention, use urgency or labels.

Defnyddiol Annefnyddiol

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Sylw (1)

Philipp Bartsch
But this is for actual manual setting only, correct? If I set up a trigger that flags a ticket of an agent under specific conditions then everyone is able to see it. Moreover I am not able to remove a flag by using a trigger action.

Ychwanegu sylw

Mewngofnodwch neu cofrestrwch i gyflwyno sylw.

Angen atgofiad am eich cyfrinair?