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How do I run a report showing ticket activity grouped by agent and department? - Knowledgebase / Developer & Reporting / Creating Reports - Deskpro Support

How do I run a report showing ticket activity grouped by agent and department?

Rhestr o awduron

To create a log of all ticket activity within a given timeframe, grouped by both agent a department, you can generate the following report.

This report will reveal a list of departments, agents within them, tickets each agent has interacted with, and the time of those interactions.

To generate this report, input the following into the query builder when using the reports interface:


SELECT tickets_logs.date_created

FROM tickets_logs

WHERE tickets_logs.person.is_agent = 1 AND tickets_logs.action_type IN ('ticket_created', 'message_created', 'changed_agent', 'changed_agent_team') AND tickets_logs.date_created = %1:DATE_GROUP%

GROUP BY tickets_logs.person.primary_team AS 'Team', tickets_logs.person AS 'Agent', AS 'Ticket ID'


This set of queries will include the agent activity listed in the WHERE clause, like 'message_created' for example. If you'd like to expand or change the actions which are captured by the report, refer to our DPQL Field Reference.

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