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What documentation is available for Deskpro? - قاعدة المعلومات / Getting Started / General - Deskpro Support

What documentation is available for Deskpro?

قائمة المؤلفين

Getting Started

To get started using your helpdesk quickly, you can follow along with our Getting Started series.

You will also have been sent our Admin and Agent Quickstart Guides when signing up or being added to the helpdesk as an Agent, these give you an overview of the primary features you will use in your role.

Guides and Knowledgebase

Deskpro offers comprehensive documentation covering the different roles and areas of the helpdesk. These include:

You can also check out our Knowledgebase for FAQs, Troubleshooting, How-to Guides, and more: Deskpro Knowledgebase

If you cannot find the answer you need in any of our documentation, please get in touch with support@deskpro.com so our dedicated support team can assist you.

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