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Deskpro PHP SDK

قائمة المؤلفين

The Deskpro PHP API SDK is a simple class to access and interact with Deskpro's REST API. It wraps the actual requests up in an easy-to-use API of simple PHP calls.

For more information on the underlying REST API, please see our API documentation.

Get the Deskpro PHP SDK

The PHP API wrapper requires PHP 5.2 or newer with the cURL extension.

The wrapper can only integrate with Deskpro v4 build 129 or newer.

The wrapper is available from our Github repository.


Using the SDK

Refer to the README on GitHub for a quick-start:https://github.com/DeskPRO/deskpro-api-php/blob/master/README.md

And browse the many examples:

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