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Replace 'Department title' with 'Department title for users' for email template variables - اقتراحات / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Replace 'Department title' with 'Department title for users' for email template variables Collecting Feedback

We're setting up an out-of-office reply for our holidays and are using an email template for that. As we have different departments that people can contact, we would like to use a variable, as follows:<br />

Dear {{to_name}},

Thank you for your interest in the {{ticket.department.title}}, and for contacting our helpdesk. We would like to inform you that our office is currently closed...

The current variable, taken from https://support.deskpro.com/en_GB/guides/admin-guide/editing-templates/useful-template-variables, however, uses the regular title, while we have set up the "Show a different title to end-users".

I think the {{ticket.department.title}} field should use the 'title for end-users' whenever activated/set.

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