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I want to be able to set a Users name and email automatically in the Chat Widget - اقتراحات / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


I want to be able to set a Users name and email automatically in the Chat Widget Collecting Feedback

I would like it to be possible for me to set the Name and Email automatically in the Chat Widget when a user clicks on chat. I am unable to see how this is possible, so am submitting a feature request.

تعليق (1)

Peter Evrard
on the page https://support.deskpro.com/en/kb/articles/adding-an-embedded-contact-form-to-your-website It states Prefilling user details On a dynamic website, when you already have the user's name or email (for example because they are logged into your site) you can have them prefilled in the form by setting these variables: DpNewTicket_Options.formUserName = ''; DpNewTicket_Options.formUserEmail = ''; I can't get this to work. Is there a more elaborate example (javascript) that shows how this is achieved?

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