We are delighted to announce the release a new version of DeskPRO which has a number of New Features, Bug Fixes and Improvements.
All new Trello App installed under Apps in the Admin Interface - find out more here
- New Chat Widget colors available - find out more here
User-specific Widget button labels for ticket forms
Improvements to Amazon S3 blob storage
Merge Ticket overlay now shows Lock status
API CAPTCHA on ApiTokensController
Admin Interface -
Resolved issues in html template within Portal Modification System
Email aliases can be removed
Login Alert email issues resolved
Viewing Tickets in new windows produces correct URL related to the Ticket
French translations of publisher posts no longer showing a particular comment as default
Saving Brands no longer overwriting Custom Domain
Export Tickets to CSV functioning correctly
Force SSL no longer missing when loading settings
Organization Import performance fixed
Correct and valid URL must be entered in Settings
Error message for missing Custom Fields lists all missing Fields
Fixed errors when exporting server files
Unknown Reply action error resolved
Ability to choose relevant Email Account for User emails on Multi-brand Helpdesk restored
Search on Custom Field criteria fixed
Failed login attempt emails are always sent
Custom Organization Field dependency bug fixed
Last action in User Portal no longer showing Internal communication
Able to select multiple Usergroups when creating CRM accounts
Swedish FW Support fixed
Agent Interface -
Ability to create a Task from a Macro restored
No longer possible to create a Macro without a title
Copy-to-clipboard-ticket-id icon issues resolved
Monday is now selectable on Date Custom Fields
Keyboard shortcuts to change tabs functioning correctly
German Umlauts can be used when searching usernames
All User email content can be viewed
Using Mass Actions to modify Tickets no longer sends New Reply notifications
Able to set Usergroups when creating a New User in the CRM
Macro hierarchy rendering correctly under New Ticket
Snippets within a Macros now functioning
Errors with responses of mass actioned Tickets resolved
Deleted KB Articles no longer appear in Search results
Attachments must be completely uploaded to Tickets before replying
Live Chat -
Disabled Chat hides Chat icon in Agent Interface
Chat Department bugs fixed
Upgrades no longer causing Chat to be disabled
Department view in Open Chats shows correct breakdown
Usersource, Apps & API -
TicketsDataService now using UNION
Filename decoding issues resolved
Timeout on polling requests no longer causing errors
Raw Popup issues resolved
- API: Ticket labels now persisting
If you are using DeskPRO Cloud, we will roll out this update to your Helpdesk soon
If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your Helpdesk to the latest version from your Admin Interface