
DeskPRO Build #384 Released - 新消息 / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

12月 9 2014

DeskPRO Build #384 Released


We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #384.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • NEW Reports: Date placeholders for %PAST_12_HOURS% and %PAST_HOUR%
  • IMPROVEMENT Better agent quick-start guide
  • FIX Cleanup of agent_alerts table
  • FIX Portal: Some types of layout rules might cause infinite loops in JS, causing custom layouts to break
  • FIX Agent: Display of multi-depth multiple-select custom fields was incorrect (no headings)
  • FIX Agent: Display order of multi-depth custom fields was incorrect in some cases
  • FIX http to https auto-redirect did not happen when navigating manually to the /login url
  • FIX Agent: 'can assign me' permission did not apply properly when trying to assign from ticket view screen
  • FIX Agent: Creating a ticket from a chat would unset the chat link if the new ticket tab lost focus
  • FIX Admin: Custom fields: Saving some user validation options did not work
  • FIX Agent: Ending a chat did not show the chat as ended in agent interface
  • FIX Agent: Mass-actions box did not close sometimes (also, PHP notice on backend about undefined 'reply_text')
  • FIX Agent: Saving multiple checkboxes on a custom checkbox field would only save the last checked option
  • FIX Agent: Display of checkbox options was a bit messy
  • FIX Admin: Saving children options in custom choice fields would not save proper hierarchy if the parent and child were created at the same time

This update has been rolled out to all Cloud accounts.

If you are using DeskPRO Download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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