We’re delighted to announce the release of Deskpro 5.15.0
Deskpro 5.15.0 includes the feature updates, improvements, and bug fixes listed below:
New Features:
- Automated Zendesk and Kayako importer in product
- New admin webhooks
Bug fixes and general improvements:
- DP-1034 Deskpro notification service duplicates messages
- DP-1033 Chat modal does not close first, messages from end user appear duplicated
- DP-988 Cancel editing custom fields errors
- DP-966 Onboarding tooltips dont work in safari
- DP-944 New chat modal does not close after accepting chat
- DP-936 CustomDefPerson error causing problem when exporting reports
- DP-934 DP notification service was not working with SSL
- DP-933 Improved performance and error handling when rendering multi select fields
- DP-926 Custom fields: rename custom fields used by apps when app is deleted
- DP-919 Hide database password in server logs
- DP-917 Default email ports aren't set
- DP-915 Allow to personalise login dropdown
- DP-911 LDAP synchronisation issue
- DP-909 Add settings to control hotlinked images
- DP-905 Change api docs request body format to 'form-data' to update custom fields through V2 API
- DP-899 Prevent emogrifier errors from blocking outgoing emails
- DP-891 Enable beta features by default
- DP-886 Exchage Fetcher -- find file size before downlaod
- DP-864 Can't change Actions during Trigger update
- DP-860 Problem installing trello app installing
- DP-826 Reply sometimes does not send when applying snippet and resolving ticket in one action
- DP-815 Using API to create ticket as user should change to user context
- DP-801 Add ability to remove profile picture
- DP-797 Parse image in incoming emails
- DP-794 Update emogrifier
- DP-788 Fix portal search on resolved tickets
- DP-785 Modifying department permissions on macro breaks macro
- DP-776 Apply user notification timeout setting for IM chat Browser Notification
- DP-775 Fix errors because of missing language group
- DP-774 In new tickets clicking on message moves text to note
- DP-773 Additional warning when uninstalling a language
- DP-770 POP3 looping message if message is not deleted properly after log out
- DP-769 Create error.log file during error reporting if doesn't exist
- DP-768 Exporting posts to PDF doesn't retain bold text styling
- DP-765 Calculations of total integers in DPQL reports incorrect ignoring decimals
- DP-745 Blank page on report export
- DP-741 Improve compatibility with outgoing email servers (e.g. Exchange) with UTF8 emails
- DP-740 API V2: Prop for ticket charges added
- DP-739 Fix Snippets variable menu
- DP-737 Agent snippets are missing
- DP-736 Increase max CC limit on incoming emails
- DP-734 Create task macro errors
- DP-733 Enable beta features for new installs
- DP-729 JSON parse error during browser notification
- DP-728 Pusher -- user typing preview sending to all agents, should send to only participating chat agents.
- DP-725 Date picker issue in Follow Ups
- DP-723 Reset password email missing any explanation text
- DP-722 Fix deleting custom reports
- DP-720 Fail over on regular search if no result by the email
- DP-718 SLA counters show faded sometimes
- DP-715 Exporting reports to CSV or PDF issues
- DP-714 Further Zapier Zaps improvement
- DP-711 Redirects when using voting options disabled for robots/crawlers
- DP-709 Creating filters/macros with labels including upper case characters appears blank
- DP-705 Unable to set any "Ticket Created Date" apart from today
- DP-704 File extension being changed / truncated
- DP-703 Add ability to reference ticket by ID as well as by ref
- DP-699 Chat transcript is sent from primary brand email address
- DP-692 Add "emails" filter to GET /api/v2/people
- DP-688 After logging in, all agents appear to be online for chat
- DP-686 Improve calendar logic in followups
- DP-674 Custom apps -- add option to define title
- DP-673 Clean up of apps header text alignment
- DP-672 Expand app if you click on icon in header
- DP-671 Apps -- clicking gear while already in gear mode causes JS error
- DP-670 Custom apps -- clicking help clears input
- DP-622 Hide feedback and publish tab in agent interface if disabled
- DP-619 Removed additional linebreaks in ticket email responses
- DP-617 Chat widget translation phrases updated
- DP-615 @mentions do not pull image from gravatar
- DP-614 Unable to compare guide revisions
- DP-607 Setting macro for pre-defined choice blank
- DP-604 ticket_object_use_logs not populated in reports
- DP-603 Include Problems table into DPQL
- DP-602 Right click drop down menu to close tabs stuck
- DP-601 Brand URL validation fails if primary domain contains the new domain as a substring
- DP-600 Applying signatures from admin side strips styling
- DP-598 Show notice to agents about browser notifications not working on non-https
- DP-597 User chat sending attachments twice
- DP-575 User portal ticket list dates in US format
- DP-509 Plaintext option for ticket notification formatting
- DP-200 Database file size verify failing on larger files
- DP-195 V2 Agent IM group chats to departments
- DP-194 Updated translation phrases throughout helpdesk
- DP-192 Wrong message when deleting whole user/tickets
- DP-176 Intermittent issue with outgoing email processing
- DP-175 Improve Brand and Department default selected state on agent new ticket form
- DP-174 Can't view files from zip file when it's bottom message
- DP-169 Error with japanese chars in PDF
- DP-152 Fix double encoding of utf8 characters in email subject
- DP-128 CHAT: Closing the chat from the list doesn't pop the confirm message
- DP-113 Serve text blobs with gzip
This update is available to on-premise customers straight away. The cloud platform will be updated at a later date. Contact support for more information.