We’re delighted to announce the release of Deskpro 5.12.1
Deskpro 5.12.1 includes a range of general bug fixes and improvements to our new beta features. We have also bundled in some API advancements.
General Fixes and Improvements:
- Fixed memory exhaustion errors related to CSV Imports
- Keyboard shortcuts no longer incorrectly being triggered when in internal agent IM window
- Bug fixes to current reporting system which caused issues cloning or creating current reports
- Banned/disabled users could still access portal - these are now shown a denied entry error
- Timestamps on knowledgebase articles now show the date they were last updated.
- Improved quality of error reporting regarding email accounts running on Exchange Web Services
- Improved interface performance when working on a helpdesk view with a lot of custom ticket filters
New feature improvements:
- Resolved bug where our new Guides system appeared blank if the helpdesk was configured in one single language
- Improvement to new Follow Ups feature to improve macro handling in follow up tasks.
- Trouble sending certain arrays of data through the API Sandbox resolved
- Fixed calls to the user_groups table through the V2 AP
- General improvements to API and Twig (email/portal template) behaviour
- Added following API calls to V2 to retrieve attachments:
- GET /tickets/{id}/attachments
- GET /tickets/{id}/messages/{mid}/attachments