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DeskPRO Build #315 Released - Tin tức / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

thg 2 21 2014

DeskPRO Build #315 Released

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We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #315.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • NEW Amazon S3 blob storage mechanism can be configured from Admin Interface
  • IMPROVEMENT Can use {{agent_signature|raw}} code in snippets to add signatures to the reply (useful with macros)
  • IMPROVEMENT 'Reply with snippet' macro action can be added multiple times to reply with multiple snippets
  • IMPROVEMENT Macros can now set agent to unassigned
  • IMPROVEMENT Show user/org in 'list' billing reports
  • IMPROVEMENT Ticket search in agent interface now lets you search on ID and Ref
  • IMPROVEMENT Ticket search API can search on ID ranges or and ref's
  • IMPROVEMENT Can set specific due time on tasks
  • IMPROVEMENT Chat widget code can be configured to only show specific departments
  • IMPROVEMENT Signature is now added to reply by mass action
  • FIX Switching back to tickets section whenever a grouped result is refreshed in the background
  • FIX Forwarded email parsing could use agent email address instead of user email address in some cases
  • FIX Validating ticket would send agent notifications "from" the agent that validated the ticket rather than the user
  • FIX Deleting download/news/feedback cats might complain about being non-empty because the empty check was always checking article cats by the same id
  • FIX Split tickets would not have the proper email gateway address set on them
  • FIX Trigger criteria for 'agent' or 'agent team' did not work when selecting 'performer' option
  • FIX Rendered trigger summary for agent/team 'performer' option
  • FIX Error when using API to submit a new ticket with a new organisation
  • FIX "Modify" form from user interface would not edit custom fields
  • FIX Viewing a download or news category would list items from that category as well as all sub-categories
  • FIX Possible errors during cron runs about updating search index after previous updates
  • FIX PHP warnings when generating PDF's on servers using PHP 5.5
  • FIX Better error handling for 'db' user sources (no longer causes fatal error if database connection couldn't be established)
  • FIX Setting custom favicon using a png with transparent bg could sometimes result in an ico with a black bg
  • FIX New ticket via API would allow new tickets for banned email addresses
  • FIX Trigger terms for Person Name is/is not did not work (contains/not contains worked)
  • FIX Print/PDF views of tickets would be limited to last 25 messages in a ticket
  • FIX "Have we answered your question" link in user interface would only show when awaiting agent
  • FIX Searching for a name might not show up if the user was not the owner of any ticket (e.g., just a participant)
  • FIX Borders on chat widget in some cases (depends on parent page CSS)
  • FIX Possible scrollbars appearing on tab buttons in agent interface
  • FIX Possible case-sensitive ref search from agent search bar
  • FIX The 'x' icon in rich text editor on retina displays
  • FIX Pane view toggle in header would disappear on low resolutions
  • FIX Triggers on custom field values did not fire properly when created via the API
  • FIX SQL error when performing custom ticket search on email_gateway_address_id field with archiving enabled
  • FIX 'pre' tags in HTML email would clean common invalid HTML which sometimes resulted in the display message missing some content. Instead, we now rewrite the invalid HTML slightly so it's no longer invalid.
  • FIX Use IMAP extension to decode quoted-printable strings. Fixes some cases where subjects would not decode properly.
  • FIX Task date picker now uses date format defined in settings
  • FIX When editing time on tasks, it always pre-selects a blank time instead of pre-selecting the currently selected time
  • FIX Possible PHP warning when using API/triggers to remove labels

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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