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Deskpro 2019.1.3 Release - Tin tức / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

thg 1 22 2019

Deskpro 2019.1.3 Release

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We’re happy to announce the release of Deskpro 2019.1.3 - This small release patches up a handful of bugs identified in the previous version. We recommend applying this to your helpdesk as soon as possible. 

  • DP-2962 - ERROR: "usort() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given" appears in error log when a new incoming user chat is initiated.
  • DP-2950 - Helpdesks installed in sub directories ran into redirect looping issues.
  • DP-2949 - On certain systems, new incoming user chats were not triggering real time notification events to the online agents (visual and audio),

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