Snippets are pre-written responses which can be quickly inserted into the reply box. They are a way to avoid typing the same standardized responses over and over again.
You can use a Snippet to automatically insert a piece of rich text, including images, attachments and links.
You don’t need to use a Snippet to add a personal signature to your Ticket messages. Use the Signature setting in Preferences instead.
Viewing and Searching Snippets
Click the Scissors Icon (Add Snippet) above the reply box in a Ticket or a Chat to open the Snippets library.
Here you can see and manage any Snippets that already exist and are visible to you (there may not be any yet), and create new Snippets.
You can search the Snippets in the list by entering keywords in the search box at the top of the Snippets window. By default, any Snippets set as a draft will be returned in search results on the Draft section (at the bottom of the list).
Creating or Editing Snippets
To create a new Snippet, click + at the top of the Snippets window, next to the Snippet title.
To edit an existing Snippet, hover over the Snippet in the list and click on the Edit button.
Snippet Properties
Below is an example Snippet being created. Each of the Snippet properties are described below.
Title - Enter a title for the Snippet. This is to describe what the Snippet is about and will not affect the inserted text.
Privacy - Enable if you want the snippet to be available only to you.
Category - Define the category the snippet will be grouped in.
Language - Select the language of the snippet you want to edit.
Status - Set the snippet as draft if you want to review before publishing.
Shortcut Code - Add an easy shortcut code which can be used to quickly insert a particular Snippet directly from the reply box. For example, type /loginapp instead of having to open up the Snippet library and find the Snippet. Shortcut codes always begin and end with /.
Reply - In the reply box, write the response that will be used for this Snippet. You can format the text, add tables, images, links and attachments, etc.
Inserting a Snippet
There are two ways you can insert a Snippet:
Open the Snippets window (clicking on the scissors icon) and click on a Snippet to insert it into the current reply.
In the reply box of a ticket or chat enter the shortcut code beginning and ending with /, (e.g. /loginapp).
Inserting a Snippet doesn’t immediately send the reply to the User; you can edit the inserted content before you send it. Sometimes a Snippet needs to be edited slightly to fit the User’s situation.
Snippet Variables
You can automatically insert information into your Snippets using variables.
For example, to make a Snippet which addresses the User by their full name you can add the following to the Snippet content:
Hello {{ }} copy
When you paste the Snippet into a message, the variable is replaced by the User’s actual name.
You can see the list of available variables by clicking on the dropdown menu to the right of the language selector.
The variables available include contact information for both Users and Agents, as well as other Ticket properties and fields.
When you put a Snippet Variable into a Snippet it will be inserted as these values in the message:
Ticket Properties: Plain text
User Fields: Plain text
Organization Fields: Plain text
Single-line Text: Plain text
Multi-line Text: Plain text
Number: Plain text
Single-select: Name of value as plain text
Multi-select: Name of values as a comma-separated list
Toggle: ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’
Date: Plain text
Date & Time: Plain text
Hidden: Plain text
URL: The URL is inserted as a link
Currency: Plain text
File: Link to the file
🔔Currently, only plain and rich text snippets are compatible with Deskpro Messenger
Languages & Snippets
If you support customers around the globe, you can easily save translated versions of your Snippets for any languages that have been installed in your helpdesk by an Admin. To add translations, click on the language dropdown menu and select a language. You will then be able to insert a translated version of the Snippet in the reply box.
Once saved, you are able to select the language you'd like to reply with and immediately insert the Snippet with the associated language.
If you do not click on a specific flag, the system will automatically detect the language preference if it is set for the user in their user profile, and send them the matched snippet.
This is not an auto-translation system, but a way of storing and sorting pre-translated snippets, and delivering them to your clients.
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