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Translations for Publish Content

in Publish
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Được phát hành: 20 thg 10, 2021|Last updated: 16 thg 11, 2021

If your helpdesk has multiple languages enabled, your Knowledgebase articles can be translated. To manage your translations go to the Publish properties pane, and click on the + next to Translations.


A dropdown menu will show the languages you have enabled on your helpdesk, selecting a language will add it as a translation option. Clicking one of the languages in the Publish properties pane will open the Knowledgebase article in a split view on the content panel. With the original version at the top and a blank rich-text editor window below, so you can use the untranslated text as a guide.

Enter the translation into the editor, which works the same way as the other text editors in the Publish app, and click Save to save the translation.


This enables you to save alternate language versions of the same articles.

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