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Accepting Chats & Notifications

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Được phát hành: 20 thg 10, 2021|Last updated: 10 thg 6, 2022

Accepting Chats

When a User initiates a Chat and you’re logged in to the Chat system, you will see a Chat pop-up window at the bottom right of the Agent interface.

You will also hear an audio notification, this can be changed from the  Default Ringing Sound.

Chat Ringing.png

You can choose to Decline the Chat and leave it for another Agent, or you can Accept to begin chatting.

You can also accept a Chat by going to the My Live and Live filters of the Navigation Panel and click on the Chat you want in the View Panel to open it.


This will accept even if you are not logged in to Chat.

While waiting for an Agent to accept the Chat, the User sees a pop-up message that can be customized.

User view chat message


Depending on your Deskpro configuration, User login may not be required before using Chat. This means that somebody starting a Chat could enter the email address of a registered User, without needing to login and prove that the address is theirs.

When this happens, you will see the following warning:

Identity not confirmed

You should avoid discussing sensitive data until you have verified that it is really the User.

Setting Chat Notification Volume

To change the level of Chat sound notifications, expand the Chat app and drag the Notification volume slider to adjust the volume.

Chat Management.png

To mute Chat sounds altogether, simply move the slider all the way to the left.

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