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I'm having trouble with my macro not adding text to a reply - Bilgi Bankası / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: Why is my Macro not inserting text into the Reply Box?

I'm having trouble with my macro not adding text to a reply

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I want to create a macro which uses an Add Ticket Reply action to add text to a reply. I set it up like this:

When I run the macro, the text isn't added to the end of my reply as I expected. Instead, a reply is sent with just the text I wanted to append. What's going on?



When using an Add Ticket Reply macro to append or prepend text, you should make sure to run the macro from the Send Reply as control, not from the Macros control.



If you run it from the Macros button on the ticket (or as a mass action), the actions will run in the context of the ticket as a whole, rather than the reply you're creating. As a result, the text is not added to the reply you are editing, but instead is sent as a separate reply.


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