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How do I add ticket properties to user emails? - Bilgi Bankası / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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How do I add ticket properties to user emails?

Yazarlar listesi

Ticket emails sent to users by default contain only message texts. This is so emails to regular users seem like regular email. But you can easily edit the notification templates to add additional information, such as the summary table included in agent emails.



In a moment we will be editing email templates to add information to user notifications. In each case, we will be adding the following HTML table. You can simply copy and paste the same code into each template.

<table class="dp-props-table" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td class="dp-td-heading" colspan="2">
			View this ticket online: <a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a>
		<td class="dp-td-heading">ID</td>
		<td>{{ }}</td>
	{% if app.getSetting('') %}
			<td class="dp-td-heading">Reference</td>
			<td>{{ ticket.ref }}</td>
	{% endif %}
		<td class="dp-td-heading">Status</td>
			{{ phrase( '' ~ ticket.status) }}
		<td class="dp-td-heading">Agent</td>
	{% if ticket.agent_team %}
			<td class="dp-td-heading">Team</td>
	{% endif %}
	{% if ticket.department %}
			<td class="dp-td-heading">Department</td>
	{% endif %}
	{% if ticket.category %}
			<td class="dp-td-heading">Category</td>
	{% endif %}
	{% if ticket.product %}
			<td class="dp-td-heading">Product</td>
	{% endif %}
	{% if ticket.priority %}
			<td class="dp-td-heading">Priority</td>
	{% endif %}
	{% if ticket.workflow %}
			<td class="dp-td-heading">Workflow</td>
	{% endif %}
	{% for f in custom_fields %}
		{% if ticket.hasCustomField( %}
				<td class="dp-th-heading">{{ f.title }}</td>
					{{ render_custom_field(f) }}
		{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}

Edit Templates

From Admin > Emails > Email Templates > User Email Templates, edit the following templates:

  • New Ticket Confirmation
  • New Ticket By Agent
  • New Agent Reply
  • User Reply Auto-Reponse

In each one, copy the HTML above where you want the table to appear.

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