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Deskpro 2021.1 Release - Nyheter / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

jan. 27 2021

Deskpro 2021.1 Release


We are pleased to announce the release of Deskpro version 2021.1. This includes a mixture of general improvements and bug fixes.


  • DPHC-150 - Added date created to ticket view in Help Center
  • DPHC-211 - Searching community topics improved in agent interface
  • DPHC-192 - Adding custom phrases now applies to all installed languages at once
  • DPHC-223 - Added a Next/Previous button to browse through “Articles Awaiting Review”
  • DPHC-228 - Improved behaviour of content links in guides
  • DPHC-173 - Improvements to the scope of content shown in top-right dropdown box in Help Center
  • DPHC-189 - Administrators can now enable or disable home pages in guides
  • DPHC-259 - Emoji support improved throughout Help Center published content
  • DPHC-95 - Splash images and icons for published content can now be set through the V2 API
  • DPHC-184 - Improved language in published content to clarify usergroup permissions

Bug Fixes:

  • DPHC-191 - Moving a guide page should not be converted into a volume
  • DPMSGR-95 - Fixed simultaneous chat limit for agents
  • DPMSGR-90 - Fixed negative chat satisfaction ratings in reporting
  • DPHC-181 - Upvote count in community topics has been corrected
  • DPHC-170 - Ticket Notification count in Help Center has been corrected
  • DPHC-202 - Fix upgrade paths for new Volumes in Guides
  • DPHC-172 - Articles matching “Search Words” were appearing on every results page
  • DPHC-169 - Permissions corrected for non-logged in users when voting on Community Topics
  • DPHC-197 - Total Downloads count for downloaded files was inaccurate
  • DPHC-200 - Searching for articles by “Search Words” only returns 5 results
  • DPHC-204 - PDF generated articles not displaying widths of tables correctly
  • DPHC-207 - Archived KB articles were appearing in search results when “Search Words” matched
  • DPHC-195 - “Thank you for your feedback” message appeared multiple times when rating articles
  • DPHC-188 - “You have successfully subscribed” message appeared incorrectly when unsubscribing
  • DPHC-218 - Corrected phrases shown when resetting your password via the Help Center
  • DPHC-216 - Archived guide topics were viewable in the Help Center
  • DPHC-212 - Attachment was still linked to a community topic after it was deleted
  • DPHC-225 - When deleting multiple KB articles from a category, hide articles after pressing “Apply Action”
  • DPHC-171 - Not all Help Center content was showing when the “Limit Domains” function was used
  • DPHC-221 - Users were able to vote multiple times on Community Topics in a single action
  • DPHC-219 - Multiple notifications were triggered when subscribing/unsubscribing to KB articles
  • DPHC-254 - Community icon was not showing properly in the agent interface when permissions for community were limited
  • DPHC-194 - Pressing “Submit” multiple times on News Articles would submit duplicate comments
  • DPHC-256 - Non-registered users CC’d onto tickets were incorrect added as registered users, when registration is disabled.
  • DPHC-206 - Glossary terms not displaying icons in agent interface
  • DPHC-239 - Pre-rendered agent avatars were not compatible with certain characters
  • DPHC-252 - Guest users could submit Community Topics when Community form was disabled by a rate limit
  • DPHC-257 - Errors when setting custom locale codes for languages
  • DPHC-209 - Direct links to Guide Topics would lead users to the Guide homepage
  • DPHC-267 - Page count in Guides did not update properly after Topics were deleted
  • DPHC-185 - When uploading an over-sized file through the Help Center ticket form, the attachment box would disappear.
  • DPHC-274 - Primary_email was missing from the variable menu in Email Templates
  • DPHC-250 - Fixed bugs when saving Help Center modifications
  • DPHC-277 - Fixed custom phrase API V2 endpoint
  • DPHC-116 - Improved behaviour when pasting pre-formatted text
  • DPLEG-176 - Corrected custom phrase  /api/v2/languages/custom_phrase API endpoint
  • DPLEG-265 - Corrected 500 server error when visiting admin area
  • DPLEG-241 - Corrected cron job error when processing certain characters in emails
  • DPLEG-251 - Corrected cron job error when processing non-utf 8 emails
  • DPLEG-229 - Emails from mail addresses with numbers matching with incorrect tickets
  • DPLEG-128 - Chat Queue selection in Admin would not stay highlighted when pressing “Add Queue”
  • DPLEG-59 - Admin saw wrong voice and chat settings when impersonating an agent.

2nd Feb 2021 - 2021.1.1

  • Fixed an issue with database updates
  • DPLEG-423 - Error when submitting ticket with "create task" trigger as a guest


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