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Limit on total number of tickets returned from API - Community / Bug Report - Deskpro Support


Limit on total number of tickets returned from API Collecting Feedback

We're using the Deskpro API to fetch tickets based on a custom ticket field, but it seems that the number of tickets returned from the API is limited to 1000 (we have 1116 tickets where “custom field 28” = 403):<br />

> curl --silent --header 'Authorization: key …' 'https://….deskpro.com/api/v2/tickets?ticket_field.28=403' | jq '.meta.pagination'


"total": 1000,

"count": 10,

"per_page": 10,

"current_page": 1,

"total_pages": 100


It seems that whenever we apply a filter, e.g. `status=awaiting_agent`, we get at most 1000 results.

Is this a bug or a feature in the Deskpro API? Is this limit documented anywhere?

Best regards,


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