We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.47. This release includes the expansion of our Facebook Channel to accept User Comments and Posts as Tickets, alongside general improvements to product functionality and bug fixes.
New Features
✨ Effortlessly manage comments on your Facebook Pages from Deskpro
We're thrilled to announce that Deskpro's Facebook channel now allows you to manage comments on your Facebook posts directly from the Deskpro interface

Comments customers leave on your posts will be turned into tickets, from which your agents can respond and update the customer with replies posted as public comments.
This update helps reduce the need to switch platforms when managing support for your Facebook Page offering more seamless social media support. For more information about integrating your Facebook Page or updating your settings, see our Admin Guide.
✨ You can now search for Help Center items using their ID on the Help Center (SC 120231).
Latest Improvements
💅We’ve added support for adding hyperlinks to inline images in the reply box (SC 129126).

💅 We’ve added the option to search against Agent Names to improve the Create App menu. Now Admins will be able to search for Agents with the relevant permissions when configuring the App (SC 54562).
💅 We have added the ability to import organization domains via the CSV importer (SC 131530).
💅 We've made some improvements that optimize the loading speed of queries (SC 130452).
Bug Fixes
🐛 We have resolved an issue where Agents’ Group by preferences were reverting to default following updates (SC 115388).
🐛 Fixed an issue where some Snippets were not visible to Agents with the necessary permissions (SC 131629).
🐛 We fixed an issue where a removed CC would reappear on the ticket, if the ticket has more CCs than the limit (20 CCs) (SC 131033).
🐛 Resolved a migration issue where Files with no contributors wouldn’t render (SC 130049).
🐛 Resolved the issue impacting the @ symbol in the Office 365 configuration (SC 131794).
🐛 We fixed an issue impacting the New Ticket Form, where the ticket would reload after a User was selected (SC 132376).
🐛 Resolved an issue with creating a new User or Organization Label in the Admin interface, where the + New button would incorrectly open the menu for a new User or Organization Field instead of a Label (SC 132485).
🐛 We rectified an issue where the default usergroups could be renamed (SC 131692).
🐛 Fixed an issue impacting the Snippet preview overflowing the menu when switching to a Snippet translation that has a long message and attachments (SC 131042).
🐛 We resolved an issue where a User’s organization would frequently reload when changes were made to the ticket (SC 129967).
🐛 We fixed an issue with grouping by Status and sub-status, now tickets will appear sequentially without appearing repeatedly (SC 131417).
🐛 We resolved an issue impacting Agents updating their notification preference because of duplicate permissions (SC 132567).
🐛 Fixed an issue with the order of messages when using the forwarding as a new ticket action (SC 132475).
🐛 Restored the ability to return Help Center items in search results when using the Global Search app (SC 133757).
🐛 Fixed an issue affecting a custom From Name being set by a Trigger when using a specific email account (SC 133827).
🐛 Resolved an issue where trying to delete a Custom Email Template would result in an error (SC 131467).
🐛 Snippet lists will now update automatically to display newly created Snippets to an Agent without them needing to refresh (SC 132175).
🐛 Fixed an issue where old session data wouldn’t be cleared when trying to connect your Trustpilot business account to Deskpro (SC 126270).
🐛 Resolved several issues with search indexing that affected the accuracy of search across the interface. Note: On-Premise customers will need to reindex their search (SC 133989 & 133873)
On-Premise Controller Release 2.11.2
We are also pleased to share the latest version of the OPC which includes improvement around ElasticSearch settings.
Latest Improvements
💅 Add ability to change Elasticsearch settings without triggering a reindex (SC 133973).