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DeskPRO Build #5.1.2 Released - News / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

нов 1 2016

DeskPRO Build #5.1.2 Released

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Release #5.1.2


We are pleased to announce a new release of DeskPRO - version #5.1.2



  • Error messages during installation (On-Premise)



  • This issue > Exception: 0 Agent email being sent to a non-agentIssue with user portal ticket properties display
  • Inserting snippets in agent created tickets
  • Inserting variables in snippets
  • Snippet editor showing HTML
  • Double-line breaks in messages from user portal
  • Issue with filters (that use labels) and global permissions
  • Adding new email accounts disturbed the order of triggers
  • Publish search function not returning results
  • Subscriptions on 'My Team' ticikets not working


Cloud helpdesks will be begin to be updated shortly.

If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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