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Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.18 - Новости / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

апр. 30 2024

Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.18

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We're thrilled to launch Deskpro Horizon, version 2024.18. This release is packed with new features including enhancements to data import capabilities, updates to Help Center fields, UI improvements, plus various bug fixes to improve your overall experience.

New Features

✨ We've introduced Agent Only fields to Files. This means you can now create fields exclusively visible to Agents working in the helpdesk enhancing privacy and enabling better data management in your Files system (SC 110246).

✨ Admins can now view any errors related to a phone number connected to their WhatsApp Business Account. When an admin clicks on a disabled number, a menu will open displaying these errors providing better access to information regarding phone number health status (SC 147304).

✨ You can now import Organization address and social channel data using the CSV Importer. This update means during an organization CSV data import, Deskpro will allow you to map and import organization contact data for more streamlined data organization (SC 148780).

Latest Improvements

💅 The Ticket Search feature now supports ticket ID, message ID, and ticket reference numbers, making it easier to find specific tickets or messages within a thread (SC 117274).

💅 We've updated the design of the 'Select User' dropdown menu to standardize the style and performance of dropdown menus used throughout the interface (SC 147981).

Bug Fixes

🐛 We fixed several issues that affected tickets, which were previously appearing in the wrong ticket queue. Now, the queue rules are correctly implemented to ensure tickets are displayed in their appropriate queues (SC 144273).

🐛 Resolved an issue where custom date fields were displaying incorrectly in the ticket properties and will now match elsewhere in the interface (SC 147991).

🐛 We fixed a redirection issue that occurred when using /admin, ensuring you are now re-directed to the Admin Interface as expected (SC 135970).

🐛 We addressed an issue in the Notifications app where only the most recent notification was displayed, it will now load the complete list of notifications (SC 146480).

🐛 We've fixed an error where a validation error was incorrectly appearing for the Trigger Criteria "is not set". Now, it won't unnecessarily ask for a value (SC 144401).

🐛We've corrected an issue that affected how we manage resources when saving hot-linked images, improving the stability and performance of our image caching process (SC 149369).

🐛 We enhanced our security by independently verifying the type of files you upload, instead of relying on your device's information, making your data safer (SC 143381).

🐛 We've addressed an issue where the Macro menu would open behind the ticket preview menu when applying a Macro (SC 147336).

🐛 Resolved an issue where the incorrect Confirm Deletion message would show when mass deleting items in the Admin interface (SC 149098).

🐛We have fixed the issue where macros would not load for some customers (SC 149833).

🐛We have stopped IDs erroneously displaying on messages (SC 149792).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.16.4

We’re also delighted to share the latest version of the On-Premise Controller which includes enhancements which extend the functionality of the OPC.

Latest Improvements

💅 Support installation on Ubuntu 24.04 (SC 150140).

💅 Allow anonymous SMTP authentication for problem checker emails (SC 146317).

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