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Deskpro 2019.3.2 Release - Новости / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

мар. 15 2019

Deskpro 2019.3.2 Release

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This small release patches up a handful of bugs identified in the previous version. We recommend applying this to your helpdesk as soon as possible.  

  • DP-3202  Creating a custom currency field causes a Type error: Too few arguments to function CleanerExtension::cleanNonCompoundData
  • DP-3181 Pagination fails in CRM
  • DP-3123 Salesforce App  fixes
  • DP-3191 Error on Agent IM SearchBar
  • DP-3190 "Send Reply as Awaiting User" button disappears after creating ticket without adding mandatory fields
  • DP-3185 "Exception" error occurs when applying a Macro which uses a deleted substatus
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