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502 Bad Gateway error - База знаний / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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502 Bad Gateway error

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The web interface of my helpdesk is just showing a 502 Bad Gateway error. What do I do?


This indicates that PHP has crashed. Restart PHP to fix the problem.

On most webservers, just restarting the webserver will do this.

If you are using nginx, PHP runs as a separate service, so you should do this (on Linux):

service php5-fpm restart


PHP crashing is a known issue when upgrading Deskpro installations with APC installed. You can avoid this by upgrading your PHP to a more recent version (5.5 or higher) which comes with its own opcode cache, so there is no longer any need to use APC.

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Comment (1)

Christian Behrens
This is an outdated command; on our current installation it's this: service php7.2-fpm restart

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