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Add "Unassigned" to "Set Agent" within Macros - Предложения / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Add "Unassigned" to "Set Agent" within Macros Collecting Feedback

I would like the option to set a tickets agent to "Unassigned" when using macros.This will allow me to assign a ticket to a different department and let them decide who is assigned to the ticket. Example: Department A receives ticket and Agent A assigns ticket to their self. After working the ticket Agent A has found that the work required in the ticket need Department B's involvement, there are 4 people in Department B and they all do the same job. Agent A has a macro set up to Set Dept: Dept B, Set Agent Team: Dept B, Set Agent: Unassigned. Department B now has the ticket in their unassigned bucket and can now go through their departments processes of who picks up the ticket and begins work.

Comment (1)

This would be very helpful for our ticket management as well.

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