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Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.19 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

mai 9 2024

Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.19

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We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2024.19.1. This release includes several new features our team has been developing, general improvements to product functionality and interface, and several bug fixes.

New Features

Apply Macros directly from the Reply Box with Shortcodes

Macros can now be applied via Shortcodes, which enhances the speed at which agents can apply Macros to tickets. Reducing time spent executing actions and increasing overall productivity (SC 143667).

Macro Shortcode.png

Enhance Control with the New Can Unassign Agents Permission

Manage agent assignments better with the new Agent Ticket Permission Unassign Agents.

New Permissions.png

This gives you more control over who can unassign other Agents or themselves from tickets for better management of ticket distribution and workload (SC 55350).

✨ We've added a tooltip for the WhatsApp 24-hour countdown rule to provide more clarity and guidance over timings for interaction via the WhatsApp platform (SC 142281).

✨ Deskpro supports webp images in emails, enabling you to send and receive high-quality images with smaller file sizes to improve email load times (SC 143380).

Latest Improvements

💅 The UI of the Organization dropdown menu has been standardized in line with the updates to the Users dropdown (SC 149174)

💅 We've improved the suggestions returned for @mentioning to ignore accents to facilitate easier agent tagging and interaction, without having to match the exact character (SC 139494).

💅 We have improved the refresh logic to provide a smoother experience and reduce the number of logouts an agent experiences (SC 149514).

Bug Fixes

🐛 We've updated access control to ensure Tasks aren’t shown on tickets that an Agent doesn’t have permission to access (SC 143720).

🐛 Resolved an issue with the count of Agent IM messages to ensure agents are being accurately shown the number of messages they have received (SC 144885).

🐛 Resolved an issue where an Email Alias would display in the To field of an email header rather than the helpdesk’s email address (SC 81974).

🐛 We’ve updated the minimum email body length for the auto-language detector to set a language on a User and Ticket to ensure more accurate language detection (SC 144659).

🐛 We have updated the Set SLA state action options to improve the accuracy of the SLA state and ensure the failing action occurs when the criteria are not met (SC 145707).

🐛 Resolved an issue where deleting the helpdesk’s favicon would not work (SC 137235).

🐛 We have restricted what reply box tabs can be used when an Agent does not have permission to reply based on their replying permissions (SC 138439).

🐛 Resolved an issue where the Macros menu wouldn’t load where no organization custom fields exist (SC 149833).

🐛 We have fixed an issue where the language field was not being populated by ticket templates (SC 149985).

🐛 Fixed an issue causing widget information to not load on the first attempt in the Admin interface (SC 148213).

🐛 Resolved an issue with the Help Center Preview redirecting within the iframe (SC 150191).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.17.0

We are also delighted to announce the latest version of the OPC, 2.17.0 which includes an improvement to custom SSH configuration.

Latest Improvements

💅 Ship custom SSH config to avoid reliance on existing files (SC 150822).

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