We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #81.
The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:
- Check for ldap ext when trying to install AD or LDAP usersources
- Fix error 908: JS error when ticket from chat, there is no email field supplied separately anymore since chat users are user records themselves
- Fix setting null status category
- Fix error 894: Notice when parent total undefined
- Fix error 911: Warning when not removed any choices
- Fix urgency term being a lte match
- Add view raw message feature
- Fix sub-group option refreshing when sub-group ID is a 0
- Always store the raw html message along with the message
- Fix selected tab class
- Fix body_full being overwritten by body sometimes
- Handle trailing non-breaking space characters
- Fix cases where DOMDocument has converted UTF-8 chars into entities
- Add top jpn words data file
- Move lang detect into own service
- Order gateway addresses so fallback can be defined
- 'add agents' goes to members area, rename key file to deskpro-license-sign.key
- Skip web.config when installing updates
- Correct mimetype and file ext for attached email messages
- Parse out message/rfc822 parts that are attached as email files
- Couple tweaks to HTML trailing whitespace cutter
- Simplify HTML email cleaner to keep main p structure, but handle outlooks paragraph tags and set their margins to 0
- Fix sometimes reading invalid filenames from email attachments, fix old JS viewer not working on inlined images
- Fix min thumbnail size being 200
- Fix dupe checks on new tickets
- Unwrap outer spans in HTML trimmer
- Identify null address in return path as auto-responses
- Fix Strings::linkifyHtml garbling some UTF-8 text when text node contains a link
- Fix another html phrase in 'apply to x selections' title
If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.
If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.