We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #415.
The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:
- NEW Use encryption for storage of email account passwords
- NEW Problems and Incidents (https://support.deskpro.com/news/view/558)
- FIX Parsing forwarded message when the user email line contains a name which includes a parenthesis
- FIX Portal: Style of ol and ul lists in tickets
- FIX No ticketlog for when SLA status changes (between ok, warn and fail)
- FIX fixes possible persistence error during sync
- FIX Reports 'Past 24 Hours' placeholder was sometimes using ranges longer than 24h
- FIX Disabling a usergroup would make it invisible on the usergroups list
- FIX Org label 'not in' filters would cause SQL error
- FIX Admin: Input for relative date criteria did not save properly for 'after'
- FIX Department newticket triggers would not apply to agent-forwarded emails
- FIX Hard-deleted tickets did not delete attachment data
- FIX Agent: Search tab had op field overlap input box
- FIX Agent: Related content that are 'drafts' would not show in Related Content tab
- FIX Validation errors on agent newticket screen when user fields exist on a layout
- FIX Email gateway: Agent email codes did not work for custom fields
- FIX Fix possibility of some email accounts being skipped if processing time of other accounts is longer than 180 seconds
- FIX Sometimes logging-in when certain language cookies are set might result in an error
- FIX Portal: showing 'Not Found' when clicking on resolve link in emails
- FIX Agent: Fix 'more' button in snippets window
- FIX Ticket log now logs email account changes
- FIX Admin: Deleting a feedback category would delete linked usergroups
- FIX Admin: Creating feedback type would not save usergroup selection
- FIX Links in chat messages open in new windows
- FIX CSV exporting using lowercased strings in contact data
- FIX CSV exporting would add duplicate primary email
- FIX Agent: Fix setting unpublish date on articles
- FIX Rendered datetime custom field only shows date
- FIX Chat transcript would always be sent in English if user is a guest
- FIX Purge demo failed to purge KB when DeskPRO is running on case-sensitive filesystems
- FIX Agent: Mentions in newticket notes didn't work
- FIX Link to escalations in ticketlog were incorrect
- FIX Chrome would show translation prompt in agent interface when viewing tickets in other languages
- FIX Formatting on snippets is lost when using shortcodes
- FIX Portal: Deleted or unpublished articles showed permission error instead of 404
- FIX Saving signature from agent interface
- FIX Fix missing {{ticket.subject}} variable in some gateway rejection messages
This update has been rolled out to all Cloud customers.
If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your installation from the admin interface.