We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #113.
The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:
- Fix error if name field appears on modify page
- Fix chat overview report grouping
- Pagination to downloads and news too
- Pagination to article list
- Fix double-counting tickets
- Fix JS erorrs when a tab errors and isnt ever full rendered
- Fix chat list reload
- Fix js error trimming on non-string
- Fix a event is null on Menu with submenus
- Remove a bunch of old JS sources that arent being used
- Fix adding extra cats on articles
- Link to plugins/widgets under the apps menu.
- Fix mass article cat move
- Salesforce plugin that shows basic user information from within Salesforce in tickets/profiles.
- Fix ticket not being aajax ppended to open list sometimes when returning to awaiting agent
- Apply macros through ActionCollection. Fixes certain macro actions.
- Dont log 404s to error log anymore
- Fix a few type=input fields instead of type=text
- Fix online count subtracting wrong amount to exclude agents
- Fix agent team not being saved on newticket form
- Redirect away from login/reset/register when already logged in
- Surround some Tipped calls with try/catch to silence some errors as they tend to fail when cleanup timeouts are involved
- Fix JS error after loading agent interface and being delivered offline messages from deleted agent
- Fix JS error when trying to add email address of unknown user to org when you dont have perm to create new people
- Issue 1345: Fix empty result giving notice
- Plugin to display Highrise contacts as widgets.
- Fix missing cascade fk on ticket_logs
- Fix issue 1321: Notice when viewing server checks from admin
- Fix issue 1348: undefined offset notice sometimes when updating publish structure
- Allow adding to cloud plan from within admin interface
- Handle license limit error when you dont have billing perm, show list of admins to contact instead
- Show screen about upgrading license if trying to add beyond license limit
- Tweaks to license expired page, user interface remains active until 14 days after
- Auto-install language option
- Also show language title in own language
- Remove old controller
- Updated plugin system with support for enabling/disabling and per-plugin configuration.
- Tweak to JS error handler. Should prevent errors from halting execution in certain cases.
- Fix portal editor not loading the first time you load the page
- Fix only PTAC in headers being checked, TAC would not be matched. Could result in some agent replies being added as new tickets instead of replies.
If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.
If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.