We’re delighted to announce the release of Deskpro 5.11
Deskpro 5.11 includes the product updates, improvements, bug fixes listed below:
Deskpro Guides
Create your own library of instructive user manuals for your users using our latest feature; Deskpro Guides. Build Guides to supplement your knowledgebase articles on your Deskpro user portal. Read more about Guides here.
Bug Fixes
Agent ticket permissions no longer showing incorrect lists in CRM
Server error when viewing outgoing mail log resolved
Linked chats now show if the specific brand has chat disabled or not
Blank avatars no longer affect ticket display
Elastic search results now displaying correctly
Resetting the helpdesk demo and clearing agents now possible
URL auto-correct now working correctly
Ticket properties overlay no longer prevent agents from making modifications to the ticket
Web URL resolution now loads from current host
Issues with SSO return URLs resolved
Multi-brand support for the importer tool has been introduced
- Ability to collapse longer lists of teams or permissions groups when modifying agents introduced
If you are using Deskpro Cloud, we will roll out this update to your Helpdesk soon.
If you are using Deskpro On-Premise, you can update your Helpdesk to the latest version from your Admin Interface.