We're delighted to announce the release of Deskpro 2018.1
Deskpro 2018.1 includes the product updates, new features, bug fixes, and additional company updates listed below:
New Release Numbering
We've changed how we number Deskpro versions and release announcements. You can read more about why and what that means here.
SSL Available as Standard
We've enabled SSL for all cloud customers. Find out more about that here.
New Reports
We've completely updated Deskpro Reports with new features, functionality, interface and more. You can read this post to discover everything you need to know about new reports.
Multibrand Update
We've made a number of significant changes and improvements to the way multibrand works in Deskpro. Check them out here.
DP-1620: It is now possible to translate custom field choice items
DP-999: New field type added: File
DP-997: New field type added: Currency
DP-1001: New field type added: URL
DP-1412: Added skip-re-index option for the dp:import-apply command
DP-1304: Creating linked feedback from ticket display now improved
DP-975: Options added to filter tickets based on ticket ID and person ID
DP-1634: Deskpro brand on login updated
Feature Updates
DP-1079: Trigger criteria now available for "CC added"
Bug Fixes
DP-1520: List of agents in Instant Messaging now displayed in alphabetical order
DP-167: Adding CC when "Notify new CC" trigger is enabled now working correctly
DP-1625: Ticket variables in new ticket snippets now working correctly
DP-1511: Portal search logging no longer saving type-ahead searches
DP-1597: Text attachments no longer recognised as text version of email
DP-1535: Agent with 'view only' permission is no longer able to change ticket followers
DP-786: Active Directory no longer fails to sync if login actions set
DP-1430: Data Saver in Google Chrome prevented from causing errors
DP-1437: React-timeago package updated resulting in improved relative date and time display
DP-1571: Bug with triggers in Email Templates working resolved
DP-793 Mcrypt extension now listed in recommendations for on-premise documentation
DP-1152: New User registration no longer fails if Deskpro exists in a subfolder
DP-1451: Bugs with Agent IM message input resolved
DP-1478: Editing custom choice field no longer places integer into search box
DP-1348: Create new Note button updated with new language
DP-1518: Removed unnecessarily rounded percentages
DP-1499: Asset path configurations now working correctly
DP-1457: Note menu now displaying correctly
DP-1359: Follow-ups calendar showing days of the month correctly
DP-1396: Error when selecting brand in a new guide topic from a different brand resolved
DP-1205: Follow-ups now working correctly with translation and languages
DP-1197: Agents can no longer use "set as normal message" function without permissions
DP-1042: Attachments now sending when forwarding messages from a ticket
DP-991: Old instances of 'DeskPRO' replaced with 'Deskpro'
DP-962: HTML bug in emails creating blank tickets resolved
DP-1360: Global API limits enforced based on admin settings
DP-1355: Bug creating inability to set helpdesk URL resolved
DP-1300: API user validation improved
DP-1234: Entries in usersource_sync_log now cleared after 30 days
DP-1214: Reports cross referencing snippet use and tickets now working correctly
DP-173: PDF files now sent through Deskpro now working correctly
DP-1245: Bug causing implementation of react-intl instead of agentPhrases in LegacyAgent now resolved
DP-1353: Global API limits removed from database
DP-1357: CSV reader in importer tools fixed
DP-1281: Attachments are no longer duplicated on outgoing emails
DP-1301: Tooltip added to Agent IM avatars
DP-849: Bug disallowing Monday as valid weekday in custom fields resolved
DP-1225: Converting built-in field to custom field now working correctly
DP-1210: Editing guide category now working correctly
DP-1199 Unchecking a checkbox field through macros now working correctly
DP-1137: Snippet attachments are now updated properly for other agents
DP-781: Now possible to change urgency of an open ticket even if a required field is not satisfied
DP-616: Browser notifications no longer showing escaped HTML entities
DP-191: Browser notification duration now working correctly
DP-1206: Date input widget now using locale of selected interface language
DP-1233: Additional number now not shown when seeing groups listed in IM
DP-995: Option to unset value in radio field added
DP-1694: Issue with reports showing legacy snippets resolved
DP-1692: Bug causing error with split messages to new ticket now resolved
DP-1638: Brand default email accounts now displaying correctly
DP-1228: Trigger/Escalation filter error with "Date Archived" criteria fixed
DP-1484: Links no longer removed from articles when using Froala editor
DP-1485: Froala Editor | When you insert tables and add format to it in articles and visit the html and save the formatting is removed
Thanks for reading
If you are using Deskpro Cloud, we will roll out this update to your helpdesk soon.
If you are using Deskpro On-Premise, you can update your helpdesk to the latest version from your Admin Interface.