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Redirect messages to your different brands - News / Product / Product (Agent) - Deskpro Support

apr. 18 2023

Redirect messages to your different brands

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We added the ability to change ticket brands. With this latest update, it’s now easier than ever to redirect messages to the relevant parts of your organization with zero complications.

Managing multiple brands within an organization can often be complex, with messages and tickets coming in from different sources and needing to be routed to the appropriate teams or departments. Our new brand change feature allows you to effortlessly redirect messages to the relevant brand, ensuring efficient handling of customer inquiries and support requests.

You simply need to select the brand from the ticket properties and re-assign it. You may be asked to confirm your choice if the brand change means you need to select a new department for the ticket, but after that, the ticket will be routed to the relevant area of the helpdesk.

With just a few clicks, you can update the brand linked with a ticket, allowing you to seamlessly manage messages. Whether you need to transfer a ticket from one brand to another or reassign it to a different part of your organization, Deskpro's brand change feature simplifies the process, saving you time and effort.

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