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Deskpro Horizon Release 2022.39.0 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

sep. 28 2022

Deskpro Horizon Release 2022.39.0

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We are delighted to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon version 2022.39.0, this release includes some ticket optimization work to enhance your experience as Deskpro users, several other improvements, and bug fixes.

Our newest feature

💫 We have optimized the UI responsiveness to improve the loading speed of tickets (SC 87398 & 86069).

The latest improvements

💅 When a User is responding to a ticket via the Help Center ticket reply form, a draft of their message gets saved if the session times out or expires before they click ‘Reply’ (SC 79313).

💅 We have added validation for Users when uploading images or avatars from the Help Center (SC 86917).

💅 We have removed font smoothing to increase the density of the font type and make text in the interface more legible (SC 87706).

💅 We have improved the layout of the ticket message UI when the message includes an attachment to ensure that email content cannot overflow the ticket in both the Agent interface and Help Center (SC 82593).

💅 We have improved how the OAuth2 email fetching system functions to enhance the speed at which emails are processed and turned into tickets (SC 70962).

Bugs we fixed

🐛 We have fixed the issue where the Snippet shortcode menu would disappear after a second character is entered (SC 86892).

🐛 Fixed an issue where unpublished files were still accessible from the Help Center’s related content block (SC 69501).

🐛 We have fixed an issue where an Agent’s draft message would not be visible to another Agent unless they refreshed the ticket (SC 87044).

🐛 We have fixed a bug that affected Agents resetting their passwords (SC 86761).

🐛 We fixed an issue where the search count on the Help Center didn’t match the number of results (SC 85336).

🐛 Fixed an issue where changing a ticket escalation from off to on wouldn’t reset the date created (SC 87427).

🐛 We fixed a bug where Google Chrome was retrieving outdated files from the browser cache, so guide pages weren’t loading correctly (SC 85016).

🐛 We fixed an issue where the category deletion button would be active even when a category contained different types of content, so couldn’t be deleted (SC 84431).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Agents with disabled notifications would still receive notifications for new ticket events (SC 84164).

🐛 In the Navigation bar, the label count for Community topics will now match the number of labels (SC 87059).

🐛 You will now be able to search for Snippets and Macros that aren't in a category from their menu (SC 66385).

🐛 We have fixed agent notifications for subscribed queues and real-time updates in ticket queues (SC 81346).

On-Premise Controller Release

We are also pleased to announce the latest version of our On-Premise controller, this version includes an improvement that will enable secure access to the OPC and a bug fix.

The latest improvement to the OPC

💅 Allow secure access to OPC to be enabled - this will block all access on unknown IP addresses and domains (SC 87084).

The bug we have fixed

🐛 We have updated the apt cache on install to ensure the correct mirrors are used (SC 88485).

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