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Making email templates brand specific - Knowledgebase / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: Creating Brand-specific Email Templates

Making email templates brand specific

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When you have a multiple brand setup you'll likely want to make your email templates brand specific.

You can just create seperate emails per brand.

Alternatively it's possible to add arguments to your templates to send out different content depending on the brand the ticket belongs to.

Brand IDs

The first thing you'll need to do is find out your brand IDs to reference in your argument.

The easiest way to do this is by using the api sandbox.

Simply add the following to your helpdesk URL /api/v2/doc#get--api-v2-brands  then click on the sandbox tab when you arrive at the page. Then hit try and your brand data will be returned (including IDs)

Adding arguments to your templates - example

In this example I'm going to have two brands:

Deskpro  (brand id 1)

Test (brand id 2)

I would like my emails sent with my template to include the brand name for the relevant brand at the beginning of each email.

In this instance I can use a simple if Statement at the beginning of the template achieve this:

{% if == 1 %}


{% endif %} 

{% if == 2 %}  


{% endif %}

So the new ticket by agent for example would look like this:

Further Reading

You can adjust styling across brands as well as content - read the KB article below to read how: 

A particularly  useful example of this can be using different logos in different emails. Read the guide to using images with HTML below: 

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