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The truly simple way to set up a Multilingual Knowledge Base - Hírek / Blog - Deskpro Support

ápr. 19 2018

The truly simple way to set up a Multilingual Knowledge Base

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Offering localized support content across a range of international audiences is a simple must for today’s brands, but creating a Multilingual Knowledge Base remains arduous and costly. Until Now.

Today, you don’t need to be a global enterprise in order to have a global audience. As digital technologies continue to develop, and even modest-sized businesses begin to offer services to a global audience, the need for a multilingual knowledge base is becoming universal.

The world is getting smaller

If your business doesn’t need multilingual support today, it’s likely it might tomorrow. There are more opportunities than ever for brands of all sizes to engage with and service customers around the world. Nascent markets from a range of regions are emerging, and as a result are tapping into needs for products and services that you and your business might provide.

Although opportunities to sell to a global audience are plentiful, it still remains rather tricky for brands to ensure a high quality of customer support across a diverse number of geographies.

The current state of multilingual support

Traditionally, the majority of help desks have offered one primary language. This works just fine for the most part, but when the need to support customers in more than a single language arises, it can create complexities that are somewhat difficult to manage.

Most brands using a single-language help desk rely on ad-hoc solutions or workarounds when they need to. This approach is neither scalable or sustainable; especially if support SLAs need to be met regardless of customer location.

What are the potential workarounds?

There a number of ways to bolster your help desk to provide multilingual support, but very few that are appropriate.

Some brands rely on over the phone interpretation. Whilst this appears effective at a glance, the emphasis on phone support means compromising on a multichannel offering - which may conflict with customer experience efforts.

Another method is hiring bilingual staff to ‘fill in the gaps’ for regions and languages where there appear to be high support request volumes. This approach is untenable for most businesses. Basing hiring criteria around language means limiting the pool of potential candidates you can draw from to fill support roles - not to mention the increased cost of recruitment. And of course, you never know which regions or languages are going to spike or drop in need for support as time goes on.

The most universally appropriate solution for most brands is a multilingual help desk. The benefits of which are that you don’t need to hire language-specific talent, or invest in additional solutions.

Investing in a multilingual help desk and knowledge base means you can automatically provide support content and resources to customers across dozens of languages. Your support portal can be configured to display the language of those visiting your site, and all knowledge base content can be translated in just a couple of clicks.

Finding a multilingual knowledge base that works for you

Whilst the benefits of a multilingual knowledge base are numerous, many leading help desk providers consider this to be an enterprise-level product feature, and offer enterprise-level pricing for access.

Not us. At Deskpro, we know that today’s budding businesses of all sizes are likely to outgrow their regional audiences - maybe even overnight. Modern brands need the ability to provide quality customer support, regardless of where customers are. That’s why Deskpro offers a multilingual knowledge base as standard for just $30 per agent per month.

Find out more about our affordable multilingual knowledge base.

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