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New Feature: More Options When Agents Reply by Email - Hírek / Product - Deskpro Support

júl. 20 2015

New Feature: More Options When Agents Reply by Email

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While we're proud of DeskPRO's web interface, we think it's also important to give your agents the flexibility to help users by email alone.

Currently, agents can reply to any email notification from DeskPRO to create a new ticket message and sent it to the user. Some of our customers have told us that this doesn't fit how they work.

In our latest update, we've added a new setting for admins, plus more guidance for agents.

Admins can now choose whether an agent reply by email becomes a reply to the user, or an internal agent note.



We've also made it much clearer in the notification text what will happen when the agent replies:



If your agents ever need to override the default setting you've chosen, you can train them to use email action codes.

Simply adding #note or #reply at the very top of an email reply lets them specify if they want it to be a reply to the user or an internal note.


This article has full details of how agent replies by email will now work (your agents can also find it using the Help link next to REPLY ABOVE in any email notification).

We'll be rolling this out to Cloud helpdesks over the next few days. If you're a DeskPRO On-Premise admin, you can update your helpdesk to the latest version get this feature right now.


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(1) megjegyzés

Lisa Donnelly
Many thanks for this update!! It is most appreciated!

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