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New Feature: Better Email Previews on Mobile Devices - Hírek / Product - Deskpro Support

júl. 24 2015

New Feature: Better Email Previews on Mobile Devices

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Do you check your DeskPRO email notifications on a smartphone or tablet? If so, you've probably noticed that the message previews you get aren't very informative.

On most mobile devices, the previews come out something like this:



This was bothering us, so we've fixed it. In the next version of DeskPRO, we've tweaked the ticket notification emails so that, on most email apps, you get a preview of the actual message text:



For a few email apps, like Aquamail, you may need to change a setting to see the previews: see this article for details.


If you're a Cloud user, you will start seeing the improved previews in the next few days. DeskPRO On-Premise admins, update your helpdesk to the latest version to get this improvement now.

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