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Missing extensions - Tudásbázis / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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Missing extensions

Szerzők listája

Deskpro requires a number of PHP extensions to operate properly. If the installation wizard alerts you to missing extensions, you will need to enable the missing extensions before continuing.

On Windows

Required extensions should come pre-compiled on Windows. Edit the php.ini file with a text editor and location the extensions section marked by the title:

; Dynamic Extensions ;


Each extension should have its own line but may be preceded by a ';' which disables it. Remove the leading ';' and then restart your server.


On Linux

You can easily compile missing extensions using PECL. See the documentation at

On most distributions, if you installed PHP through a package manager you can also add extensions. For example:

Debian or Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install php5-mysql php5-gd
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

RedHat or CentOS:

sudo yum install php53-pdo php53-mysql php53-gd
sudo service httpd restart




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