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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.9 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

Feabh 28 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.9

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Our team is pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon 2023.9. In this release, we made several improvements to the interface to enhance clarity and fixed bugs that impacted your experience in the helpdesk.

Latest Improvements

Here are the improvements our team has been working on:

💅 We improved the loading times of the Snippet Shortcode list (SC 96278).

💅 We have improved how migrations handle duplicate Custom Field values to ensure they cannot impact creating reports (SC 95093).

💅 We increased the number of rows you can display in the Admin table to enable Admins to move items between pages in the list (SC 91723).

💅 We have standardized the width of dialog and windows in the interface for a more unified appearance throughout the helpdesk (SC 93735).

Bug Fixes

🐛 We have fixed the Custom Field Trigger Criteria Operators Was set during event and Was not set during event. This means Triggers that are configured to run only when a custom field value is set, will no longer run every time ticket is updated. (SC 96721).

🐛 We fixed the inline image editor, so now, when editing an image from the reply box, the image editor will load correctly (SC 100090).

🐛 We restored the ability to group Tickets by Organization (SC 100383).

🐛 We have added an error dialogue to handle an issue where the Voice controls can disappear while on a call. This will enable an Agent to manually re-load the controls to restore them (SC 99167).

🐛 Fixed an issue where attachments couldn’t be downloaded in web view when accessing Deskpro from the Android App (SC 96196).

🐛 We have fixed an issue where a User being deleted from the database would cause an error when trying to access a social media ticket. The ticket will now return an anonymous user to avoid an error (SC 99898).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Agent and User Auth & SSO pages wouldn’t load in the Admin interface (SC 100799).

🐛 Restored the ability to access some email templates that previously wouldn’t appear in the editor (SC 97494).

🐛 Fixed a problem where resolved tickets were not being removed from the Queue until the page was refreshed, now tickets will remove from the Queue when resolved (SC 96717).

🐛 Fixed an issue where macro CCs were not showing for a new ticket's initial message (SC 97708).

🐛 We fixed sorting Help Center Templates and the ability to pick and save brands when creating new Templates (SC 96006).

🐛 We have added handling to prevent duplicate Tickets from being created via email, but allowing them when created by an Agent from the helpdesk (SC 100495).

🐛 We have added checks in the Round Robin logs for Work Status, this was already checking for online status, but it will now make it clearer why an Agent has been assigned a ticket or skipped, or why a ticket has been left unassigned (SC 101883).

🐛 We fixed an issue to prevent a refresh switching you to the Ticket List view when a Ticket Tab is selected (SC 99727).

🐛 All Admins will now be granted Billing access, and we have added handling to ensure when you create an Agent with Admin access Billing access will automatically be enabled (SC 102448 & 102387).

🐛 Fixed an issue where an Agent had invalid contact information they couldn’t set their Chat or Voice status (SC 102116).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.0.60

We are delighted to share the latest release of the On-Premise Controller, version 2.0.60. This release includes some improvements and bug fixes that will enhance the usefulness of the OPC for managing your On-Premise instances.

Latest Improvements

💅 We added the ability to create a custom MySQL options file (SC 87868).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Use lock files when creating instances and clear certain problems immediately once mitigated via the OPC (SC 98179).

🐛 Check there is sufficient disk space before performing an instance update or manual backup (SC 101874).

🐛 Ensure the problem checker only reports run problems after the OPC has been fully initialized (SC 99693).

🐛 Allow certain OPC features to be enabled by the presence of a sentinel file (SC 99693).

🐛 Ensure the landing page displays correctly when no instances exist (SC 102536).

🐛 Ensure matching Nginx configurations are created when importing instances (SC 102746).

🐛 Validate custom certificates correctly for OPC domains (SC 102782).

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