Voice allows Agents to receive and make calls within the Agent interface, adding yet another channel to your helpdesk. For every inbound or outbound call, a ticket is automatically created, allowing you to easily record, manage and track call interactions with Users within tickets.
Voice is currently in beta for Cloud accounts only. We will be rolling this out for On-Premise soon.
Enabling Voice
Voice needs to initially be enabled and configured by Admins, who can then determine which Agents are able to use Voice. Currently Deskpro Voice is in public Beta for Cloud accounts, so you have the option as to whether it appears on your helpdesk. You can enable Voice in the Admin dashboard. Access to the Voice settings are only available to Admins.
To enable Voice, go to Admin > Beta Features > Enable > Enable Beta Feature
Once you have enabled this feature, you have the option to disable it again at any time.
Voice is included with our software at no extra charge. You simply have to purchase a number & pay for calls. Please see our Voice pricing page for more information.
Once you have enabled the Voice beta in your Admin dashboard, the General Settings area is where your setup of Voice really begins. Go to Admin > Voice > General Settings. You will be prompted to click Begin Setup.
Adding Credit
To start using Voice, you will need to add credit to your account via the Billing area, in order for any call charges to be deducted from your account. Click Load credit from Billing area.
Follow the instructions and enter your card details. Then click Add Credit, set the amount of credit you wish to purchase. We recommend adding $5-10 initially. Once you have added the credit you can start making call.
Setting Up Voice
Admins can configure Voice by going to Admin > Voice.
Below is a list of suggested steps you should follow to setup Voice once it has been enabled and you have added credit. Some steps will be optional, depending on the type of setup you need:
- Grant Agent Voice permissions.
- Create Call Queues.
- Create an Auto-Attendant.
- Purchase a phone number.
- Setup the number target routing.
- Configure the additional General Settings.
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